South Coastal Village Volunteers

Holiday Events

Lunch on Taylor Bank. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving proved to be a festive and informative experience for SCVV members and volunteers. Thanks to a generous grant from Taylor Bank to encourage older adults to have lunch and socialize, members were invited to share a meal and enjoy one another’s company. Grotto Pizza on Route 26 in Bethany Beach served pizzas, salad, ziti, and beverages to about thirty members and the volunteers who provided them rides. Cora Burgan proudly wore a Grotto Pizza employee name tag because she had organized so many get-togethers there.

During dessert Dr. Chris Rush, a local chiropractor who has served clients of all ages for more than twenty-three years, spoke about the relationship between the nervous system and memory. Proper hydration plays a role in cognition, as does a healthy lifestyle, he said. Dr. Rush offered advice backed by research and experience urging caregivers to pay close attention to their personal health to improve their resilience and lower their stress levels. He described the winning results, relaying that when we care for the caregivers, we also care for those they support.

Holiday Open House. SCVV Chair Chris Powers thanked Dr. Rush for his insight and invited members and volunteers to the open house to be held shortly before Christmas, urging them to bring a sweet tooth and an appetite for potluck finger foods, cookies, and holiday desserts to be prepared by volunteers.

At left, the outgoing chair Chris Powers (center) is flanked by her successor, Claudia Thayne, and the new vice chair, Donald Sheridan.
This outing took place on December 12 at the SCVV office in the Ocean View administration building. Holiday music was barely audible over the many conversations taking place. Members and volunteers caught up with one another, sharing stories and memories. The open house lasted from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm, and by the time the last guest left, there was very little left to clean up.

Dine and Donate

NORTHEAST Seafoood Kitchen will host a Dine and Donate on April 15 to benefit the South Coastal Village Volunteers.

Do More 24

WE DID IT! Not only did we meet our goal, but we surpassed it. Your donations to South Coastal Village Volunteers came to $5,020.

New Year, New Format

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2025—a new format for a new year. We will be sending news from SCVV via email

SCVV Continues a Steady Growth

This chart represents select performance figures tracked by the South Coastal Village Volunteers. Each line depicts the steady growth of a measurement by quarter since SCVV’s inception at the beginning of 2021.

Help Wanted

Volunteers with accounting and finance experience are needed on the SCVV Steering Committee’s Finance and Planning subcommittee. Please send your name and phone number to and we will be in touch. Thank you.

Development Team Gears Up for 2025

The year 2024 was a busy and successful one for the Development Team working to further the work of the South Coastal Village Volunteers. Now 2025 is fully under way.

Holiday Events

Holiday Open House. SCVV Chair Chris Powers thanked Dr. Rush for his insight and invited members and volunteers to the open house to be held shortly before Christmas,

Remembering Helen

The South Coastal Village Volunteers received the note below from the family of Helen Elizabeth Rathburn, who died on December 5, 2024 at the age of 100.

Volunteer Spotlight: Clair Fox

“Some people say that they don’t have time to volunteer,” observes Clair Fox, one of the more than 170 volunteers working with the South Coastal Village Volunteers. “But what you get in return offers such pleasure and gratification.”


Much of the world is now online. Throughout the year, the South Coastal Village Volunteers offers means to sign up electronically for events and participate in various activities.

Expanding Happiness

Being happy is an important key to a healthy lifestyle as well as to improving longevity. But what is happiness?

AARP – Winter Update

AARP Delaware is ready to tackle the new year! We have a new governor, new leadership in the statehouse, and several new legislators to connect with.